Yeah, a snow day!!!! Last night is snowed! A whopping 2 inches, but as a child, it is more than enough snow to whine and beg and plead your mother allll day to go outside and play in. So, alas, I finally gave in and sent them out with their father! Hee-hee. Anyway, I went out long enough to sneak a few pictures. The first is Grace attempting so throw snow on me. The next two are Gabe and Grace making snow angels, which Grace has somehow confused with snow balls and calls them angel balls! I am working on getting her corrected.
These are some recent pictures of Abby. I can't believe how fast she is growing! She is so close to walking. Soon she will classify as my toddler and not my baby. I take that back she will always be my baby! In the first picture she is yelling at her sister. Abby is very protective of her food, as her sister is so skilled at removing it from her tray. The second picture shows her delight in the fact that her sister was firmly reprimanded. Yes, the rivalry has begun. And the last is her being sweet. (It also shows how long her hair is getting.) Just, a quick update, we took Abby to a chiropractor that is also a neurologist, to have him check out her eyes. As we suspected, he felt the shaking was probably a result from having her ears pierced. If only someone would warn a parent before they go out and damage their own kid!! Anyway, he told us it is her left eye that is having problems. It is the one that tends to cross and is sending the wrong messages to her left cerebellum. (Forgive my idiot attempts at repeating "doctor" terms.) So, he feels that if we place a patch on the right eye and stimulate the left with a pen light, for 15 minutes a day, this will retrain the brain to fire correctly. The good news is that this can hopefully be corrected. It is still a wait-and-see situation. And we won't know until she is older as to how much vision has been compromised. I am still strongly believing all will be right and she is on her way to being healed. But please keep her in prayer when you think about it. And if this has left you even more confused, feel free to call me and I can explain it better...I hope.
One last picture. When Grace was just a baby she used to always "sniff" at us. It was so adorable and her little nose would almost come to a point. As she got older the "sniffing" became less, until she just outgrew it. Well the other day in the tub while being silly for the camera, she spontaneously "sniffed" once more. So here's to reminiscing all the baby days gone by.
Well that's it for this post I promise. This ought to temporarily silence all the "update your blog" cries. And I do apologize for all the sentimental "mommy" stuff. But hey I'm a mommy, that's my job. If I don't brag, who will? Oh yeah.....Grandma!