I know it has been forever since I updated, but well I have so much on my plate that updates just aren't on the list.
Here's a little of what we have been up to at the White house:
We started homeschool the last week in August. Our first week was really hard. By the third day into it, Gabe and I were both in tears! But once we got a routine and some authority established, thing have been much better. I can honestly say that I enjoy it, and at this point in our lives, it is certainly the best decision for our family. Grace in in kindergarten this year. She is already reading and writing really well. And she LOVES homeschool. She. Eats. It. Up. On our first day she was raising her hand and saying "Teacher Mom". (I had to put a swift end to that one!) :) "Mom, is just fine sweety.... you don't need to call me Teacher." I am really seeing her personality blossom. She is so sweet and has such a passion for learning...especially the arts. Both she and Gabe are taking piano lessons this year, and she just loves it. She spends a lot of her spare time at the piano "writing" her own songs. Which of course makes her daddy beam.

Gabe had a bit of a difficult time with homeschool to start. He's had a taste of "real" school and just wasn't thrilled to be in a "class" that didn't have any boys, and was made up of....well... his sisters. After a couple of days into it he was crying and really concerned that he wouldn't see his friends from school. At this point I really started to question whether or not we made the right decision. As time has gone on he has really adjusted. He actually seems to enjoy his sisters...well most days anyway. He still really misses his friends, and it is very important to us that our kids have friends, so Clint and I have made some changes in our lives to ensure that our children get the socialization they need.
Gabe is also a boy genius. He excels at math and reading. And has impressed the pants off of his piano teacher. Which clearly is a direct reflection of the skills of his teacher! :)

Abby is...well...she is just Abby. She wants to do what everyone else is doing. She wants NO help doing it. And she wants to do it HER way. I spent the better half of my first week homechooling, arguing with the 3 year old. Who technically doesn't need to be in school. She has mellowed out...some. And I see that she is gleaning from the other two a lot. She is mastering her letter recognition, can write her name, and several other letters. Knows her shapes, colors, numbers, and is getting the basics of phonics. She forever keeps me on my toes. Always.

On top of teaching the kids, this is the busy season for work. EVERYONE wants fall family portraits and Christmas pictures. So I have be juggling 2-3 clients a weeks as well as housework, schoolwork, and editing, editing, editing. I love my job, so I won't complain. Every time I get a print order I am amazed that people pay me to do what I love. It's rad.