Here's a couple of the highlights. We wrapped school up and I took off to see my friend Dawn on her farm. We went to the home school curriculum fair and I got all my curriculum for next year ordered. This will be my second year of home school, and I am really excited about it. Now that I have one year under my belt, I know this year is going to be a little easier, (at least I pray so).
When I got back from Seattle, the kids started swim lessons. This was year 3 for Gabe and Grace, and the 2nd year for Abby. The kids really took off this year! I am so proud of them. Abby jumped off of the diving board like a crazy woman. And Gabe and Grace found a new love for the water. This is the first year that they finally seem to enjoy it, and aren't afraid of it. Of course now they keep begging me to let them go swimming in Grandmas pool! Seeing as how it has finally been oober hot here, I don't' mind so much.

Gracie-Goo turned 6 this July! With every birthday I am always shocked at how times flies and the kids are just growing soooo fast! She requested a "hotel" birthday, and since Clint's parents were flying into town the next day we headed of to "B" town and had a blast! We had dinner at Red Robin, and then went swimming at the hotel.

After all the hotel fun, Granny and Papa, flew in for a visit. The kids enjoy spending time with them. We really only get to see them 2, maybe 3 times a year at best, so I love when they come out and hang with us. I'm very blessed to have great in laws. I genuinely enjoy their company. Of course Granny sealed the deal by doing my laundry all week! I told her to knock it off, I can take care of it. (As long as I do one load a day, I'm good.) But she reminded me that she too had 3 kids once and knew what it was like to be enslaved to the laundry room! :) I enjoyed the break.

In a couple of weeks Auntie Alecia and the cousins are coming out for a visit. I'm really looking forward to seeing the kids! It's always good times to watch the cousins play, and fight, and make up, and play, and then fight some more! Yes, these are the moments childhood is made up of!
I'll finish with a couple of pics I took of the kids this summer. And yeah, I know they are waaaayyyy to big already!