What a day! I spent most of my day behind my sewing machine, furiously trying to finish a baby quilt for a shower this weekend. When I got sick of looking at it and decided to take a break, I left the sewing machine for the kitchen. It was while I was making pie crust (from scratch) that it hit me.........I have become June Cleaver!! AUGHHHHHH Yep, it's true. Ya might at well start calling Gabe "the Beave". My life is so full of domestic "pleasantries": laundry, cleaning, diapers, cooking, sewing ect. And I will admit there are those moments, when it feels like all of the above are happening at the same time, that I question why I do what I do. FYI- a moment of vulnerability is about to occur. I admit I have thoughts of returning to the "civilized" world. After all I did go to college. I do have a degree...and it wasn't in Martha Stewart 101! There are days when I am soooo tired of answering the endless questions of young inquiring minds. Tired of well...shall we say..being in charge of supervising all "bathroom activities"! (Yes, I'm talking about poop, and the many forms my children seem to make it in!) Tired of being the one who is left to clean up after everybody else. To decide what to make for dinner, and then magically create it out what mocks me from the pantry. Sometimes I'm tired of just being MOM! BUT today in the midst of my June Cleaver moment, my daughter asked to help me make pie crust. For a brief moment I was inclined to deny her request, knowing full well that it only meant more mess. Yet, as she climbed up her stool and started to play in the flour, I was suddenly captivated by her. The realization that I am a blessed woman overcame me. I GET to stay home with my children and raise them. I GET to watch my daughter play in flour and laugh as she discovers "it doesn't taste like pie". I GET to see them grow and learn everyday. I am the one who wipes away tears, corrects behavior, and above all gets to tell them every day about Jesus. It was today, in an old kitchen, cluttered with dishes, as Gracie learned how to make pie crust, that I was reminded why I do what I do. And to quote the domestic goddess herself..."it's a good thing".
After enduring the longest blog entry ever, here's a few pics of the day.

Grace is not licking her hand, she is trying to wipe off her tongue after eating flour!

Abby has been making the funniest faces lately! Her personality is really begining to show!
That's a great revelation Jenna, we mom's need to live in that revelation daily as sometimes it's easy to forget it. Love the pictures of your sweet little girls, especially the one of Abby with her hand over her mouth, what a little cutie! Can't wait to teach my little Guenna how to make a pie! :) Thanks for the great post!
Your post is really inspiring. I have been struggling over the past 3 1/2 weeks adjusting to the birth of a new baby and now being mommy to four instead of three...your post reminded me to enjoy the blessing of being a mommy to my newest baby and my three other wonderful children. Thank you for sharing it (I found your journal through a link on Jenni's, by the way).
Awesome, God sends us that gentle reminder right when we need it! Your girls are beautiful!
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