Grace turned 4 in July. Abby was officially potty-trained in August! FYI - that made exactly 6 years and 3 months straight that I changed diapers!
In August Gabe started 1st grade at Lighthouse Christian School. He loves it there and is doing amazing! He also just lost his bottom front two teeth. Somebody please push "pause" because these kids are growing WAY too fast!
In September Clint went to Seattle for training in a new career. He is now a certified home inspector, with his new business: Structural Integrity Home Inspections. Since then he has been working days as a auto-tech at Lithia and evening and weekends doing home inspections as they come in. We are hoping and praying that someday soon he can walk away from the Lithia and go full-time into his own business. Here's his site:
My photography business and been growing and keeping me very busy. I have steadily had 1-2 clients a week, which is about all I can handle while being a full-time mommy, and wife, and cook, and laundry service, and merry maid! :) I thank God every day for how much He has blessed my business and given me the desires of my heart!
Here's my site:
In late September we added a new member to the family. Bailey is my new baby! She is a beautiful golden retriever with a smidge of border collie in her. She looks like a pure bred golden retriever, who ironically won't retrieve! She is only 1/4 border collie, but instead of fetching, she would rather "herd" our other two dogs as they fetch! We're certain she is going to make an excellent duck dog, as she barks and nips the heals of the ducks and "drives" them into Clint! :) Oh well, at least she's pretty!
We also most recently added 12 new baby chicks to the family. We have 6 Rhode Island Reds, and 6 "Easter Eggers" - Americana's. They are only a week old, but the kids love them and we are hoping to get a coop built adjacent to the garden and have some eggs in about 4-6 months.
Well, that pretty much brings us up to speed. I will try to update this more frequently. I figure at this rate, even once every six months would be an improvement!

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