Friday, May 02, 2008


So I've decided that I am a hero in disguise. Or technically a heroine. Nobody really knows this, and my powers really aren't that outstanding..... but it's the best conclusion I can come up with.
Here's the reasons for my assumption.
1) I drive an invisible car. I can see it. And when it's parked in the driveway, everyone else can see it. Even the birds of the air leave evidence that they can see it. But when I am behind the wheel.... well it becomes invisible. You see, while heading to a photo session this morning, I was clipping along at 65 mph, and someone pulled out right in front of me. Not the typical "I think I have time if I gun it" pulled out in front , but "I'm going to test the bladder control of this woman" pulled out in front of me. Thankfully there were two lanes and the car beside sped up so that I could change lanes and avoid the idiot. Who not only raced out there, but then proceeded to do 30 in a 65!
This is not a one-time thing. This happens ALL THE TIME! Semi-trucks pull out with not so much as a passing glance my way. Pedestrians on foot cross a four lane highway and walk RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!
Clearly my ride is invisible!

2)There are times when my voice can not be heard by the human ear. Time after time I find I am repeating myself. To my children, to my husband, to the DOG! I KNOW it can't be that they are all simultaneously ignoring me. They are all far too loving and considerate for that. So the only logical explanation is that I have some super hero power that enables my voice to go unheard.

So here's my conundrum: how can I use these powers to help mankind?
A soundless voice and an invisible car? Oh and sometimes the ability to make the dirty laundry magically "re-appear"! (Although word has it I am not alone on that one!)

Mull it over and get back to me.... in the mean time I will be yelling for no reason while transparently driving around town! No I'm not mad.... I'm Invisa-Woman!


Anonymous said...

Oh Jenna, I wish I could help you, But even if I tried.......Where are you Jenna....Jenna are you there? Isn't it wonderful that even when the world doesn't appreciate us God looks at us as if we are the "only ones" on this earth and hears us when we call!
I love you,

White Family said...

True Dat Sista! True Dat!

Alecia said...

Well at least no one can see you when you pick your nose whilst driving...That's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Richard has a similar problem. He can be in a group of people for a half an hour, just listening, and then when he says something, more than half the people in the group jump, turn toward him and say, "When did you get here?" It drives him nuts. So, no you are not alone, my friend. R likes to use his powers for... not necessarily 'evil', but mischeif, at least.