However, June has decided to play nice so we packed up monday morning and headed to our favorite comping spot. I gotta say this just might have been the best camping trip yet. Our friends decided to join us, so it gave the kids someone to play with, and us someone to socialize with..... which we did 'til 1 in the morning every night! (Side note, I am too old to be staying up that late... ughh.)
We went fishing as a family, which usually irriates me because I LOVE to fish, but when the kids fish, it is impossible for me to fish. They are always tangling their lines, or reeled in the line and want me to cast, or they are waving a hook around a sibling and fighting! So this time I decided that instead of fishing myself, I would just man the kids poles and help them. It turned out to be far more fun, because all the kids caught fish. Watching their excitement was so much better than catching one myself.
Abby was particularly funny, when she gets excited about something she tends to shake her hands while her whole body is stiff and shakey! But it is nearly impossible to reel while shaking, so she would reel for a minute and then stop and shake for a minute all while yelling, "I gotta fishy, I gooooootttttaa fishy"!
Too stinking cute.... oh, here's her fishy.

Gabe learned how to cast while we were fishing. He still needs some work, but he's getting the hang of it. This is the first time he took a real interest in fishing, which of course makes his daddy so proud.

And the big news of the trip is that Gracie learned to ride her bike without training wheels!!!!!! I must note that Gabe has yet to accomplish this milestone so there is even more pride for Grace that she beat her big brother at something. I'm not sure what was cuter, her beaming smile as she did it, or her daddy whoopin' and hollerin' running behind her!

We also took all the kids to a little creek to cool off. It was sooo cold, but once the kids were in for awhile they didn't seem to mind. I think they went numb from the cold and couldn't feel anymore! I leave ya with a few pics from that, and hope you are all enjoying summer as much as we are!