Meet Waddles.

After we rescued Waddles we read that ducks are very social and need other ducks, so we ran right out and bought our 3 week old duck some babies to raise.
Meet Quakers and Peep.

We also went out and purchased 6 mature hens so that we are getting 6 eggs every day until our baby chickens start laying. Which probably won't be until the end of summer. So on this farm we have 18 chickens, 3 ducks, and 3 dogs.... e i e i o!
Until this morning.....
At 6 AM the dogs wanted out for the day. Clint stumbled out of bed and opened the back door and let them out. It was VERY cold and windy out this morning and he wasn't really coherent and didn't want to go out in his skivies to kennel the dogs.
At 7 AM I wake to hear the chickens going nuts....
At 7:05 Gracie comes running into our bedroom screaming "Daddy, Bear has a chicken!"
We leapt out of bed and ran outside. Bear and Bailey had broke into the chicken coop!
There was carnage everywhere! My baby ducks were dead. 5 of my chickens were dead.
I'm not sure its normal to sob over farm animals.... but I did.
I'm pretty bummed about the chickens, but I am really bummed about the ducks. Waddles was soooo sweet. And the babies were adorable. Waddles did such a great job being their "Mama" and not letting the chickens peck at them.
*Sigh* I don't think I'm cut out for farm life.
Rest in peace sweet duckies..... you will be missed.

PS - Anyone want a broken golden retriever and a oaf-ish black lab...... they may come up for adoption soon! Grrrrr Killers!
So so sad! What cute little ducks! :( Poor babies, I can totally relate to the feeling you must have had, very sad!
That sucks! They were even cuter that I imagined - especially in that last picture. Grrrrr.....stupid dogs!
Oh Jenna,
Ya when Anna killed our chicken,I beat her with it,yolk went flying everywhere,but she never ever ever touched another chicken. Poor Anna!!
Sorry that the tears came,but I see the White Farm coming back next Spring!!!
Love you All,
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