Besides the remodel, September through November are my works busiest time of year. I have been going non-stop the past three months! Between homeschool, housework, and three clients a week, I have nearly reached the breaking point. Lesson learned. I can't be all things all the time. So this next year I am cutting back on how many clients I take, and putting my focus on being Teacher Mom, and Hot Wife! If it means we struggle a bit financially...well then I'll just be forced to pimp Clint out! :)
Clint has also been busy. He has been juggling a major remodel, his own business, and is now working full-time for my dad. That's right, my man is now a home inspector, cabinet finisher, auto mechanic (as needed), home remodeler, and soon to be worship leader....again.
Pimp Clint out? Just make sure he takes his shoes first, .....or, he coud just turn it into a sexy dance. You know what I am talkng about. Hilarious, Jen! ~Shannon
Whoops. Takes HIS shoes off first....
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