I am so blessed to have a wonderful hubby! Sometimes Clint and I can totally get on each others nerves. Those times are rare, but they occur nonetheless. This week has kinda been like that. I will take the majority of the blame and admit, I've just been plain cranky. He topped it off by not noticing I got my hair cut, (it wasn't just a trim)! I gotta be honest though, my husband is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. He truly is so good to me, and he is my very bestest friend. I would be lost without him. Here's a couple of things I love about him, just to name a few:
1. When I am sick he totally takes care of everything.
2. He brings me coffee in bed EVERY morning.
3. He never fails to thank me for dinner.
4. I LOVE the way he makes the kids laugh.
5. His smell. It's a combination of his deodorant, and just him. And I love it! Sometimes after he leaves for work, I will move to his side of the bed, b/c it smells like him. (I know, I know, too much information. It's my blog. Don't like it, don't read it!)
6. His voice. 'nuf said.
7. He never ends a conversation with me w/o saying "I love you." If something ever suddenly happened to either us, I guarantee our last words to each other would be "I love you".
8. His eyes. The color of his eyes are gorgeous, and unique. But what I love the most is the what I see in them when he looks at me. I think that might be the one thing that told me he was The one.
9. His sense of humor. People either love it, or hate it. I for one find him hilarious.
10. He's mine all mine. I loved him long before we were ever "together". But it's so much sweeter now that he's my hubalicious hubby!
Next month we celebrate our 10 year anniversary. I am so blessed.
Uh, Jen? You got just a little dab of brown right on the very tip of your nose.
I didn't have to read it.....cause Ona read your romantic letter to all of us! Keep loving Clint and soon it will be 28 years like us!!
Love you,
That was sweet!! I think maybe for Valentines Day I will write something like this... :) My anniversary is in Nov, and it will be 10 years for us too!
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