There are some days that I dream about putting my kids on the shiny-yellow-school-bus that stops in front on my door, every day at 7:45am. On these days, I would blissfully cruise to Target. I would rendezvous with my sweet Target, with a grande carmel macchiato in one hand and a high-limit credit card in the other....;)
Today surprisingly is NOT one of those days. Today I have enjoyed my children. Not because they have had stellar behavior. Certainly not because that haven't argued, bickered, yelled, and engaged a civil war amongst themselves. Nope. Today I have enjoyed my children b/c of their conversations. They are freaking hilarious...not too mention sweet. Here are some tid-bits of my day.
Abby: Mom, do you know why I hate flies?
Me: Nope, sweetie...why do you hate flies?
Abby: Because they have germy feet. And when they crawl on you they spread germs. You know what mom?
Me: What Abby?
Abby: Flies should learn to wash their feet..because crawling all over someones peach with dirty germy feet..well its just rude!
(Can't argue with that!)
During lunch prep:
Gabe: Mom, I love potato soup. It's so thick and creamy, gooey and warm and comforting. Just like you mom!
Me: Um....thanks Gabe...I think.
(Somewhere in that I think there was a compliment)
Grace: Hey Gabe, after lunch you can come to my dance party in my room!
Abby:'s gonna be wild!
Gabe: Hmf...what should I bring?
Grace: Just your sweet moves Gabe...just your moves.
('m speechless.)
And lastly...
Gabe: Mom, your the best mom in the world.
Me: Awww thanks buddy.
Gabe: If you weren't here the whole world would just stop functioning.
Me: Um...well I'm pretty sure the world would go on.
Gabe: Not mine mom...not mine.
(tears...see it pays to be like potato soup!)
The moral of the story is that while I may have occasional fantasies that may or may not involve a childless day, a sexy homeschool principal, hot coffee, and shopping for a $100 pair of jeans that make my butt look fantastic......I DO have three great children that in spite of rough days...still manage to melt my heart and make me laugh.

I think I love your babies too!! Enjoy them it doesn't last long enough!! Love you Kelley
Sometimes we forget all those precious moments that took our hearts away into the arms of our children, never to be found again. The love we hold for them knows no measure! Thanks for sharing your moments, it reminds me of why I love my own children so very very much!
I am with Jenna! I've often thought to myself, life would be so much easier if I just put them in school! But I know I couldn't do it! They ARE so precious and these years are fleeting! Bless you :)
Thanks for sharing! I can totally relate! Glad I am not alone in my homeschool journey!
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