According to my records, I haven't updated since Clint and Gabes birthdays.... lame, I know. So here is what we have been up to.
First of all, in June, we took Abby back to Salt Lake for some more testing. As many of you know, it has been a year now since we first discovered there was something wrong with her eyes. One year ago, we ran a ton of tests, which all came back negative. A huge relief, but it left us with no answers. One of the options when we left then was that the cause for the nastagmus (shaking) might be that she had albinism. So, off we went to Salt Lake to find out. Praise God, that test came back negative too! We also met with the pediatric opthamalogist who checked her eyes again. After his exam, he said that her eyes and nerves looked perfectly healthy! We still have no answers as to why, or what, but we are really believing that she will continue to grow out of it and continue to get better over time. Again, thank you to all of you who continue to pray for her. God hears and is answering those prayers. She really has come a long way in this past year!

Some more great news, as of June 15th, I (Jennifer) am the sole proprietor of my very own business..... PhotoJenic Portrait Studio! Yeah!!!! I'm really excited about it. I wish I had more time to put into it, but I know that as the kids get older and more independent I can devote more of my time to the business. I have been blessed to have a studio that my dad is letting me use. It's small, but it does the job. So I am gathering equiptment and trying to build a clientele base. I still need to get business cards made, and already have a lead on having a web page made. When it all comes together, I will give an update so you all can rush to my web page and see my work! :)
Some of you may know my friend/sister Hillari. Well she had her firstborn son on May 9th. She's a tiny little thing, and was beautiful pregnant. We were all so surprised when she pushed out a nine pound baby boy! She did so great! I was very proud of her. Gavin William Wilson, looks a lot like his daddy, but has his mamma's blue eyes. Here's a few picks.... taken by me, of course.

Clint has been busy with another remodel project. This time it is the nasty bathroom! Let me just tell you how gross it was! When we ripped the linoleum up, there was moldy pee and such!!!!! I just about puked! The toilet was sitting on plywood, over a rotten hole in the floor. I'm surprised we didn't get a disease!!!!! Needless to say, the many tenants before us, were not so good to this poor house. BUT, that is all changing and my hubby is doing a great job. I will post some before and after pics when it's all done. Yeah, I know how to keep ya comin back for more! :)
The kids are all doing well. Gabe starts school next month. It's gonna be far harder on his mom, than it is for him. He is really excited. Clint and I are so proud of him. He really is a great kid.
Grace is still our little drama queen. My brother says she was born for the stage! Some days, I really wonder. Anyway, she had her 3rd birthday on July 13th! She got just about everything "Dora" that could be bought in Target! Plus she was thrilled to get a "her size" Graco travel system for her baby! And then to top it all off Auntie sent her a princess outfit! She was one spoiled girl..... the proofs in the pics!

In the last one she had just smashed her whole face in the cake to take a bite! Yikes!
And of course, the princess....

Abby is growing faster than I'd like. Everyday, she adds new words to her vocabulary! She is talking none stop. She really makes my heart melt..... except when I have to pull her off of the table for the third time in five minutes! Busy, busy, busy! Lately she has been making these really funny faces, she always keeps me laughing.

Our fourth of July was a busy one. I started the morning with photo shoot for some friends, then I snapped a few of my own.... or tried to. It seems I can take some decent pictures of other peoples kids, just not my own. Or better said, not all together anyway. So, here's the best one out of 30... yes, thirty tries, and this was as good as it gets!

We spent the afternoon at a bbq, where Clint and I severely lost at a three-legged- race. I won't name any names as to why we lost so bad, but I will say, some days two legs are a challenge for me....forget three! But being a good sport, I tried again, this time with Gabe as my partner, and well, second-verse-same-as-the-first! Sad...
Then it was off to another bbq! Clint and I really don't have many friends, but when the ones we do all seem to want to socialize at the same time!
Granny and Papa came for a visit July 6th-11th. Clint and dad did a LOT of fishing. Unfortunately there was only one little fish that made it's way home. Of course Granny and I thought it was hilarious that they drug their butts outta bed at the crack of dawn.....and..... nuthin! Hee-Hee!
Other than that downfall, we all had a great time. We all went on a picnic and fishing. Then we cruised up to Sun Valley and toodled around. Had ice cream, of which Grace thoroughly enjoyed..(see pic below). And Papa took the time to give Gabe a quick piano lesson. We really love it when they come to visit, and the kids eat up all the attention of having Granny and Papa all to themselves! Here's a few shots of the trip.

And last but not least, we just got back from our first family camping trip. Yes, believe it or not, this was the first time even Clint and I had gone camping together. We went north of Sun Valley, and it was beautiful! We went up for one night and all slept in our new tent. The kids had a blast running around and getting filthy! And aside from the gihungus horse flies that bite, it was good times. Except for the part where I nearly drowned! Yeah, you read it right.... let me tell about it.
We went up on friday night and then saturday morning Clint went fishing with some of the guys. I was extremely jealous that he was going fishing and I was not. So when he returned to camp and we tore down the tent and stuff, we decided to go further north, over Gelena summit and go fishing in the Salmon river. Just a little side note it is gorgeous up there! And the whole experience of camping in the area took me back to being a kid and tagging along with my dad for royal ranger pow-wows! Ok back to the drowning. Anywho, we drove forever, and we were going with the "Grizzly Adams" man from our church. He knows every sweet spot for fishing out there. So he finally tells us to pull over on the side of the road and we hike down 100 yards, steep yards, to the river. Keep in mind that I am also toting all three kids! Oh and I am wearing a cami, khaki shorts, and flip-flops, not exactly hiking gear. So we make to the river, get set up and start casting. Then Mr. Grizzly says lets cross the river and climb that rock face, then fish from the top where that pool is and where the fish are hanging out.
I look at Clint like yeah right! But, for fear of being called a adventureless mall rat, I leave all my babies with Grizzly's wife and head out to cross the my flip-flops...and cami....and gap shorts! Going across was challenging, and I was wet to my shoulders, but made it. Then there was the rock to climb. Again, a little challenging, but I made it. We settle onto the rock, cast a few, get a bite- no catch, and I hear Abby hyperventilating from the other side. She wants no one but mommy. With much regret I tell Clint and Grizzly that I need to get back to the baby. So we climb back down the rock and set out across the river...again. This is where things go wrong. We decided to cross where it was a bit deeper and a bit swifter, but closer to the where the kids were waiting. I hang on to Clint, who is holding the poles, and off we go. We get halfway across when the water comes up tp my shoulders and I lose my footing. In an attempt to save his wife, Clint heroically grabs my shorts and....well unders! I lose one shoe, and am being given an atomic weggie all to keep my head above water. After bobbing a few times I tell Clint to let go! Then I try to regain my footing, and oops, there goes the other shoe! So, I give up and let the river carry me down stream, banging my knees on every rock along the way, when finally I clamber to the other side! Yeah.... think I'll stick to being the mall rat!
Here's a few pics of our campsite.

Ok, well that's it. It has taken me four hours to create this post, and probably as long for you to read it. Plus I think I'm in the early stages of carpletunnel disease! Please make the pain worth while and leave me lots of comments! I'm not one to beg, but they've been a little lean lately!
Until later.................
Jenna, your summer sounds like a blast! I loved the near drowning wedgie! All for the sake of your children. Isn't a mother's love powerful?!
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