I've honestly had a much harder time with this day then I thought I would. Letting go is so hard. Especially when he has spent every day with me. And now that he will be gone every day, all day, it's hard to let go. I so want him to succeed, and I know he will. He's a really good kid. He's soooo smart, and loves to be with other kids, I know this will be good for him.
As Clint and I dropped him off, we took him to class and he was so excited. I could tell he was a little overwhelmed by all the kids and chaos, but he never looked back at us. *tears* As I knelt down and hugged him goodbye it was all I could do not to cry, meanwhile he's got that look of "okay mom, just go already". We are so proud of him!
I pray that God will guard and protect him while he is there. That He will keep watch over him when I can't. That his mind will be sharp and alert. That he will be obedient and respectful. And God will help us to have wisdom as parents. Wisdom to know how and when to deal with the things that will arise from sending Gabe to a public school. Wisdom on how to help keep Gabe tender toward God.
If you think of it, say a prayer for my boy today. And when your done, say a prayer for his poor mama, who is having far more of a difficult time with this than the boy. Thanks........
Oh yeah, here's some pics of this morning.

Showing off the backpack. Sissy, saying goodbye.

Proud Daddy!

Sad Mama. The anticipation.

There ya have it. The first day of the rest of his life....
Hey congrats!! In a few years you'll be begging for the first day of the school year!! Sure makes ya feel old doesn't it? Alexis starts 2nd grade tomorrow. Talk about excited, geez my kids wear me out!
Congratulations Gabe on your first day of school!! We are so proud of you and your parents. Clint and Jenna- I have no doubt you will keep Gabe with a tender heart towards God, and God will give you the wisdom you need to handle each situation as it comes up. May you be blessed to raise a light for the world!! Love you!
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